Nonprofits such as ours succeed because people just like you pitch in and help.

Please volunteer!

Help us succeed! To volunteer in any capacity, please contact our business office, at:          (509) 943-6602          PO Box 606, Richland, WA 99352


We urgently need volunteers to improve our presence on social media

One of our most important goals is to increase attendance at concerts to the levels that were common a  few years before the pandemic. Our advertising and marketing efforts have been directed toward familiar media such as radio ads, TV news coverage of our concerts, our newsletter, and this website. We are falling behind the times.

As we try to reach a both wider and younger audience, it is apparent that we must put modern social media to better use. We have Facebook and Instagram pages but our staff cannot give social media the attention it needs.

Please!   Can you help us?

We need volunteers who can help us with our social media; our needs include:

  1. Monitor and respond to readers’ questions and comments
  2. Make our social media pages more attractive and likely to be read by new visitors
  3. Write text directing interested readers to our website to learn about concerts and tickets, and other services and features.
  4. As opportunities arise, converse with readers to build relationships with new volunteers.
  5. Post information provided by our staff and our Board, and offer advice in the form of editing such text to best reach our intended audience.
  6. Enjoy working in a team environment with our Business office and our Board of Trustees

We welcome any advice you can offer based on your own experience and expertise with modern social media.

To learn more or to volunteer, please contact our business office (see above).

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