Musician’s Center

Conductor’s Notes for May 6, 2023 concert

Click here to see the conductor’s notes about the May 6 concert. They describe the instrumentation and duration of the pieces, the rehearsal schedule, artistic notes about performing the pieces, tempos, and some links to useful recordings.

Information for May 6, 2023 concert

Our gig sheet for our May 6, 2023 concert at Kennewick High School is now available. It includes the rehearsal schedule and location, concert schedule and location, repertoire, dress code, contact information, instructions about returning your music (important!), information about lodging for traveling musicians, and the current roster.

A map of Kennewick showing the Clover Island Inn is now available. This also appears in our gig sheet.

A map of the Kennewick High School Auditorium showing details for musicians is now available. It includes more details than appear in our gig sheet.

May 6, 2023 concert: Initial Information

Location: Kennewick High School

Rehearsals will be in the Kennewick High School auditorium on May 4 and 5 at 7:00PM, and May 6 at 10:00AM.

The concert will be on May 6 at 7:30 PM. Look here soon for our initial gigsheet.

Lodging for remote musicians will be at the Clover Island Inn.

  • A map showing the location of the high school and the Clover Island Inn is here.
  • A map of the high school campus is here.
  • A map of the auditorium for musicians is here.


RachmaninovVocalise, Opus 34, No. 14 [changed on 4/5/2023]

Elgar: Cello Concerto, Movement #1 (soloist is Young Artists Competition winner)

Hayden: Piano Concerto in C, Movement #1 (soloist is Young Artists Competition winner)

Sibelius: Symphony No. 5

March 18-19 concert: initial information

The gigsheet for this concert is available here:

Bowings and other instructions for this concert will both appear here and be emailed directly to concert musicians as soon as they are available.

A map showing the location in Richland of the Richland High School auditorium and a map of parking around the auditorium is shown in the pdf file here.

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